Next Steps

You can get more information on these steps by emailing us or reaching out to any of our serving team members.

Believe and confess Jesus
The Bible says in John 10:9, "If you declare with your mouth, 'Jesus is Lord,' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." Begin your journey today.

Water baptism
Once you begin a personal journey with Christ by asking Him to forgive your sins and to come into your life, the Bible spells out clearly that we are then to be baptized in water by immersion to continue our Christian journey. Email us to see when you can be baptized.

Become an OBC member
Membership is a step of commitment that allows people to partner at a deeper level with their local church. Find our more about becoming a member.

We Believe
We Believe is a 13 week course that provides a solid foundation for those new to the faith and those still considering it. Click here for more information.

Father's House retreat
The Father’s House is a weekend retreat provides a foundation in biblical doctrine, principle application, and also address any hurts of the heart and issues of forgiveness. Click here if you are interested.

Join a growth group
We offer growth groups various time throughout the year on a variety of topics. Visit our growth groups page.

There are multiple opportunities to volunteer. You can help in children's and youth classes, Sunday school, praise ministries, audio/visual, social media, or in the ministry of receivers and ushers. Volunteer today.

Enroll in INSTE
INSTE helps to train God's people in discipleship, ministry, and leadership for the fulfillment of the Great Commission through excellent and affordable distance learning. Visit our INSTE page.